Thursday, November 23, 2017

Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants Review: De essentiele rol van Wall Art in Interior Design

Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants beschouwt kunst aan de muur met groot belang in uw interieur, en de volgende werden gemaakt om u te helpen kunstwerken die overeenkomen met uw huidige ruimte te selecteren en om meer harmonie te geven aan uw interieur.


De kunst van de muur kan direct kleurenpalet verstrekken. U gebruik maken van een schilderij of een muur opknoping die je echt liefde als een inspiratie voor het kleurenpalet van uw kamer, omdat het kiezen van een in het proces van het ontwerpen voor uw interieur kan te veel van uw tijd te nemen. Selecteer twee of drie tinten van de muur kunst en beslissen welke is de dominante kleur en andere tinten en dat je zou willen maken als accenten. Gebruik items die passen bij die kleuren in het versieren van uw ruimte waar u ook gebruik maken van een mobiele applicatie bijvoorbeeld bij het bepalen van de overeenkomstige tinten van verf om bepaalde kleuren, of krijgen de professionele hulp van een kunstkenner, zoals de Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants.


Het kan ook zijn dat design element in een kamer die de aandacht kan trekken en de centrale focus van een specifieke ruimte in uw huis. Zijn grootte zou uw prioriteit moeten zijn omdat een kunst van de muur die te klein of te groot is niet een efficient steunpunt zal zijn. Ken de juiste metingen eerst en overeenkomen met het aan de gehele beschikbare ruimte.


De kunst van de muur kan een betekenis van textuur eveneens verstrekken. Vind kunst in de vorm van verschillende media om te helpen een varierend gevoel van textuur te bieden in een specifieke ruimte. Bovendien, sculpturen of schaduw dozen kan diepte toe te voegen aan de kamer. Dergelijke extra stukjes textuur kan helpen meer visueel gewicht te brengen aan uw interieur.

Gevoel van voltooiing

Kunst aan de muur kan helpen bij elkaar te trekken een ruimte en maken het gevoel compleet. Je zou kunnen volgen van een bepaalde versieren stijl voor uw kamer toch? Kies een muur kunststuk of andere opknoping kunst die overeenkomen met die stijl.

Het hebben van een nieuwe ruimte om decoratie op te zetten is een opwindend gevoel. Maar zal al die anticipaties, moet je niet vergeten te maken Wall Art een van uw prioriteiten als het gaat om interieur. Wandkleden kan zorgen voor een goed kader rond wanneer goed uitgevoerd, die ook kan worden gebruikt als een centrale gids bij de planning van de rest van de kamer.

Ken meer verwante informatie over kunst met de adviseurs van de kunst van Devin Fitzpatrick.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Epilepsy Care Group Singapore Awareness Association: Support group gets funding for first epilepsy nurse in 20 years

GAINING SUPPORT: Orange Neurology Centre's Tracey Gough with practice manager and support group president Bec Alpen at an epilepsy awareness stall.

For the first time in more than 20 years Orange could get an epilepsy support nurse.
Epilepsy Support Group Central West president Bec Alpen said the support group formed in March and has been given funding to hire an epilepsy nurse.

“We’ve got $10,000 from Orange Ex-Services Club at $3000 from Orange City Council,” Mrs Alpen said.

“We will start with once a month for a nurse to start and then that will go to fortnightly and then hopefully we will make it weekly … it will also depend on the need.

“We have a Parkinsons nurse that got installed in the last few years and I saw what benefits came from that.

“I’ve had a lot of patients come to me and say there’s just nothing [in terms of support].”

Mrs Alpen said the funding applications were made months ago but they only found out more recently about the funding.

However, she said it may be months before a nurse is employed in the role.
She said first the Epilepsy Support Group – Central West first needs to be formalised.
Once employed, the nurse will provide information and support to patients and carers living with epilepsy and to provide education to parents and carers as well as the wider community.

Mrs Alpen said people living with epilepsy could also go to the nurse if they were having issues with their medication.

In the meantime Mrs Alpen said she is trying to raise people’s awareness about epilepsy and said due to preconceived misconceptions about epilepsy many people do not want to tell others about their diagnosis.

“They don’t know how people will react,” she said.

“People are frightened so we need to [overcome] that stigma, there’s 800,000 people per year in Australia who are diagnosed with epilepsy and there are 40 different types.
“When people see a person having a seizure they don’t know what to do.”

Mrs Alpen said she has previously visited a shopping centre in Orange and saw a client having a seizure and instead of helping them, other customers gave them a wide berth and walked away from the person having the seizure.

She said along with convulsive seizures there’s a wide range of types, severity and symptoms of epilepsy including focal seizures, confusion and becoming unaware of the world around them.

Tips on what to do if you see someone having a seizure:

-Convulsive seizures – DO

-Stay with the person

-Time seizure

-Protect from injury especially the head

-Roll onto the side after jerking stops OR immediately if there is food/fluid/vomit in mouth

-Observe and monitor breathing

-Gently reassure until recovered

Convulsive seizures – DO NOT

-Put anything in the person’s mouth

-Restrain the person

-Move the person unless in danger

Focal dyscognitive seizures (non-convulsive seizures)

-Stay with the person

-Time the seizure

-Gently guide away from harm

-Reassure until recovered

-DO NOT restrain the person unless in danger

Call triple zero for an ambulance IF:

-You are in any doubt

-Injury has occurred

-There is food/fluid/vomit in mouth

-Seizure occurs in water

-Person has breathing difficulties after jerking stops

-Another seizure quickly follows

-Seizure lasts longer than five minutes

-The person is non-responsive for more than five minutes after the seizure ends.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tokyo MK Taxi: Fordeler ved å velge vår tjeneste

Mange velger i dag for private flyplasstransport på grunn av så mange fordeler. Selvfølgelig har du mange alternativer, enten du flyr inn eller ut av byen, eller bare ser etter en måte å komme seg rundt i byen. Du kan enten kjøre selv med en leid bil, eller du kan vente på en lang linje for en taxi. Men ingen av disse alternativene er problemfri. Tenk på de mange fordelene med private flyplasstransport som du kanskje ikke er klar over.


Når du ansetter en flyplasstransport, trenger du ikke å bekymre deg for drivstoffkostnaden, leiebilen og andre lignende kostnader.

Ingen venter i køer for drosjer

Med flyplasstransport trenger du ikke å bekymre deg for å vente som de som vil vente tålmodig for din ankomst slik at du kan komme til hotellet eller destinasjonen til tiden.

Du har en erfaren sjåfør

Det som er bra å ansette flyplasstransport er at deres sjåfører er opplært og med erfaring i kjøring. De vet alt som muligens trenger å vite om trafikkskilt og trafikk. Han vil sikkert kjøre for å slippe deg trygt på ditt reisemål.

Ingen for mye papir fungerer

Det er ingen lange papirverk som tar deg tid. Papirarbeid er ofte nødvendig når du ansetter en bil, og dette kan ta noen minutter eller timer, avhengig av omstendighetene. Med flyplasstransport kan du gå inn i bilen så snart du lander til flyplassen.

Du kan hvile og slappe av fra baksetet

Selvfølgelig, etter en lang flytur, vil du lene deg tilbake, slappe av og ikke bry deg om å kjøre for å komme til reisemålet ditt. Derfor er det klokt å leie en flyplasstransport og få deg til å slappe av i baksetet mens din personlige sjåfør kjører deg til ditt reisemål.

Ingen problem når det gjelder samhandling

Når du besøker et nytt sted, kan språk være et stort problem. Når det gjelder dette, kan overføringschauffører fungere som livredder fordi de kan fungere som oversetter for deg. De er vanligvis trent til å snakke på engelsk for å kunne kommunisere effektivt med passasjeren og få dem til hvor de vil være.

Nummerprioriteten til sjåførene er å la deg komme til reisemålet ditt trygt. Tokyo MK Taxi, en ledende leverandør av flyplasstransport i Japan, sørger for at du får best mulig kundeservice og problemfri transport til og fra flyplassen. Tokyo MK Taxi features Lexus group enthusiasts luksuriøse flåte for å gi deg den raffinement, komfort, effektivitet og pålitelighet du fortjener.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Cyber Security: No more IP addresses for countries that shut down internet access

Afrinic mulls punitive policy for errant governments

Governments that cut off internet access to their citizens could find themselves refused new IP addresses under a proposal put through one of the five global IP allocation organizations.

The suggested clampdown will be considered at the next meeting of internet registry Afrinic in Kenya in June: Afrinic is in charge of managing and allocating IP address blocks across Africa.

Under the proposal, a new section would be added to Afrinic's official rules that would allow the organization to refuse to hand over any new IP address to a country for 12 months if it is found to have ordered an internet shutdown.

The ban would cover all government-owned entities and others that have a "direct provable relationship with said government." It would also cover any transfer of address space to those entities from others.

That withdrawal of services would escalate if the country continued to pull the plug on internet access. Under the proposal: "In the event of a government performing three or more such shutdowns in a period of 10 years – all resources to the aforementioned entities shall be revoked and no allocations to said entities shall occur for a period of 5 years."

The proposal was sparked by a recent increase in the number of complete nationwide shutdowns of internet service – something that has been a cause of increasing concern and ire within the internet infrastructure community.

The start

The trend started during the Egyptian revolution back in 2011 when authorities killed the entire's country web access prior to a big protest march. Employees of ISPs and mobile phone companies reported troops turning up at their homes and pointing guns at their families in order to enforce the shutdown.

Until then, many governments had assumed it was largely impossible to turn off internet access to their entire nation. Soon after, government departments educated themselves about AS numbers and internet routing and started using their power to set up systems that would allow them to order the shutdown of all networks from a central point.

While some countries only used this ability in the more dire circumstances – riots or terrorist attacks – shutdowns quickly started being used preemptively and for political reasons.

Bangladesh switched off its entire country's net connectivity prior to the sentencing of former government leaders for war crimes. Then Iraq started shutting down the entire country for several hours at a time in order to prevent exam cheating.

While these were enormously frustrating, the shutdown typically lasted only a few hours. But then Cameroon decided to cut off the internet for weeks – and targeted specific communities. The country's southwest and northwest provinces were taken offline following violent protests: a decision that had a hugely damaging impact on its "Silicon Mountain" startup zone, and also took down its banks and ATMs.

In India, the number and frequency of internet shutdowns has sparked a new protest movement and website that tracks them.

The situation has grown so dire that the United Nations got involved and officially condemned the practice at a meeting of the Human Rights Council back in July. Despite opposition from a number of countries – including China, Russia, India and Kenya – a resolution passed forbidding mass web blockades.


The reality, however, is that there is nothing to prevent governments from shutting down the internet and very little anyone can do in the face of a determined push from the authorities.

But now the techies are fighting back. The Afrinic proposal has been put forward by the CTO and the Head of IP strategy for Liquid Telecommunications – a large pan-African ISP – as well as the CEO of Kenya's main ISP Association. As such it is a proposal that many are taking seriously.

"While the authors of this policy acknowledge that what is proposed is draconian in nature, we feel that the time has come for action to be taken, rather than just bland statements that have shown to have little or no effect," they wrote, noting that "over the last few years we have seen more and more governments shutting down the free and open access to the internet in order to push political and other agendas."

Whether governments like it or not, they are reliant on the provision of IP address to expand their networks and digital economy, and Afrinic is the only organization that can realistically provide them. If the policy does get passed, it would almost certainly act as a strong deterrent for government ministers to shutting down internet access.

But there is a wealth of problems with the idea, not least of which would be the determination of what represents an internet shutdown. The authors put forward a suggested definition:

An internet shutdown is deemed to have occurred when it can be proved that there was an attempt, failed or successful, to restrict access to the internet to a segment of the population irrespective of the provider or access medium that they utilize.

That wording is likely to be very heavily scrutinized. And it would require someone or group to make a determination that it has happened – which would likely become a politically charged decision. And none of that considers the fact that national leaders are unlikely to accept punitive terms being placed against them by a third party.

In short, it is a huge political headache. But it may also be one that only the internet community is capable to taking on and winning. The next few months will see whether the 'net community in Africa is willing to take on the challenge for the greater good.