Bridging the
Gap- Engaging Generational Differences
So what is all this generational talk all about? Slackers,
Tech Savvy, lazy, “pay their dues!”, text / IM, fear of change, respectful,
job-hoppers, Social Media, lack of loyalty …sound familiar? Today, in most
companies, your workforce demographics may include workers from all
generations: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. We
work with organizations and individuals who are working to increase their
awareness and overcome the challenges they face with variety of generations in
today’s workforce.
Who are these
Traditionalists? Baby Boomers? Generation X? Millennials? To meet the
demands of the competition in today’s job market, companies need to rise to the
challenge of creating an atmosphere and business strategy that values differences,
is open to new ideas, and ready to embrace customers’ and employees’ rising
expectations. Additionally, organizations need to focus on how to enhance their
training, development, and investment in today’s workforce, particularly in
this competitive environment.
We focus on how to breakdown the stereotypes, myths, and
realities of our workforce. Particular attention on how these generations deal
with and adapt to change. Leaders and team members need to explore from within
themselves how to appropriately educate and influence their thinking around
generational differences. Subsequently, challenge their focus on their
behaviors to rise to the challenge of creating a workforce that is inclusive,
open to new ideas, and ready to embrace today’s expectations. Additionally,
committing to improving teamwork, driving increased business results, and
influencing your organization on how to begin to understand these differences.
Each generation has a unique personality and behavior style.
The day of a “one-size-fits-all” training, leadership style, or retention
strategies no longer fits with today’s workforce expectations. In order to
remain competitive, companies are faced with updating their recruiting/hiring
practices, compensation / benefits packages, and life/work balance
opportunities. We are dedicated to helping businesses understand their
generational differences and drive improved performance among individuals and
teams. We partner with businesses to prepare them for the changes and
transitions within today’s workforce.
With the recent changes in our economy, down sizing, and
well known companies/businesses disappearing, it becomes even more imperative
to understand how to connect and engage with all generations. The younger
generations are entering key decision-making and leadership roles. How prepared
are they to lead and connect with the older generations? 5-7 years ago, the
trend was to educate the Baby Boomers and Traditionalists on how to lead and
connect with the Gen Xers. Today, all four generations are co-existing in the
workplace. It is essential emerging leaders in the younger generations
understand how Baby Boomers and Traditionalists like to be lead, informed, and
developed. Sending emails and text messages will not be the only answer. We can